Документы, Использованные для подготовки данного информационного бюллетеня

Jussi Heinimo & Eija Alakangas, Solid and Liquid Biofuels Markets in Finland — a study on international biofuels trade. Prepared for IEA Bioenergy Task 40 and EUBIONET II Country Report of Finland. ISBN 952-214-199-2, April 2006. Available at Www. bioenergytrade. org/downloads/finl andcountryreport260406.pdf

Electrowatt-Ekono Oy, ET Bioenergy, WP1, Country Report: Finland, 17 November 2005, available at Www. eubionet. net

Poyry Energy Oy, ET Bioenergy, WP2, Country Report: Finland, 14 July 2006, available at www. eubionet. net

Terhi Lensu & Eija Alakangas, Current situation and future trends in biomass fuel trade in Europe — Country report of Finland, VTT, June 2006. Prepared for EUBIONET II Efficient trading of biomass fuels and analysis of fuel supply chains and business models for market actors by networking. Available at Www. eubionet. net

Markku Kallio & Arvo Leinonen, Production Technology of Forest Chips in Finland. VTT Processes, Project report PRO2/P2032/05 dated 12.09.2005 Available at Www. bio-south. com/pdf/ForestRes_ Prod. pdf

Satu Helynen, Success factors of bioenergy for CHG mitigation in Scandinavia. Presented at the IEA Bioenergy Task 38 workshop 12-13 November 2001 in Edinburgh, Scotland. VTT Energy, Jyv^skyla, 2001

Дополнительные источники

Alakangas, E. (ed). 2005. Puupolttoaineiden pientuotannon ja — kayton panostusalue-Vuosikatsaus 2005 (Small-scale production and use of wood fuels research area — Annual Review 2005).Tekes. Teknologiakatsaus/Technology Review 185/2005. 158 p.

Erkkila, A., Kaipainen, H., Paappanen, T., Alakangas, E., Lindblad, J., Sikanen, L., Tahvanainen, T., Kahkonen, T. & Airaksinen, U. 2006. Uusi pilkkeen kasittelykonsepti valmistuksesta asiakkaalle (The study of the basic for the new method of chopped firewood). VTT Project report PRO2/ P2066/05.

Finnish Forest Industries Federation. 2006b. «Facts and Figures». Http://english. forestindustries. fi/figures

Hakkila, P. 2004. Developing technology for large-scale production of forest chips. Wood Energy Technology Programme 1999 — 2003. Final report. Technology Report 5/2004. Tekes. 44 p. Available: Http://www. tekes. fi/english/programm/woodenergy.

Heinimo, J. & Jappinen, E. 2005. ORC-teknologia hajautetussa sahkontuotannossa. (ORC — technology in distributed electricity generation). Lappeenranta University of Technology. Department of Energy and environmental technology. Research report EN B-160. ISBN 952-214-014-7. 84 p. Available: Https://www. lut. fi/fi/yliopisto_lyhyesti/alueyksikot/mikkelin_yksikko/bioenergiatekniikka /ORCtekno logia%20hajautetussa%20s%E4hk%F6ntuotannossa%20EN-B%20160.pdf.

Helynen, S. & Oravainen, H. 2002. Polttopuun pientuotannon ja kayton kehitystarpeet. Teknologiakatsaus 124/2002. TEKES (National Technology agency). 27 p.

Jouhiaho, A. (ed). 2004. Pilkkeen kaupallinen tuotanto (Commercial production of chopped firewood). Tyotehoseuran julkaisuja 392. 139 p.

Korpilahti, A. 2000. Kayttopaikalla haketukseen perustuva puupolttoaineen tuotanto. (Forest residues harvesting chain based on chipping at the end use) Espoo. Technical Rescarch Centre of Finland. In: Alakangas, E. (toim./ed.) Puuenergian 92 teknologiaohjelman vuosikirja 2000 (Yearbook 2000 of Wood Energy Technology Programme). VTT Symposium 205. p 137-143. In Finnish.

Korpilahti, A. 2001. Kayttopaikkahaketukseen perustuva puupolttoaineen tuotanto. Forest residues harvesting chain based on chipping at the end use) Espoo. Technical Rescarch Centre of Finland. In: Alakangas, E. (toim./ed.) Puuenergian teknologiaohjelman vuosikirja 2001 (Yearbook 2001 of Wood Energy Technology Programme). VTT Symposium 216. p 137-152. In Finnish.

Laitila, M. 2005. Mantyoljystya taistellaan. Talouselama 35/2005. ISSN 0356-5106. 28.10.2005. p. 18.

Leinonen, A., 2004. Harvesting technology of forest residues for fuel on the USA and Finland. Espoo. VTT. VTT Tiedotteita — Research Notes 2229. 132 p. + app. 10 p.

Ranta, T., Lahtinen, P., Elo, J. & Laitila, J. 2005. The regional balance of wood fuel demand and supply in Finland. Bioenergy 2005. International Bioenergy in Wood Industry Conference and Exhibition. Jyvaskyla.12-15 September 2005. FINBIO -The Bioenergy Association of Finland. pp. 39-45.

Savolainen, V. & Bergren, H. 2000. Jyvaskyla. Wood fuels basic information pack. Benet, Energi Dalen & Jyvaskyla Polytechnic. 191 p.

Seppanen, A. & Karha, K. 2003. The chopped firewood trade in Finland. Tyotehoseuran Metsatiedote 4/2003 (662) (in Finnish). 4 p.

Sevola, Y., Peltola, A. & Moilanen, J. 2003. Polttopuun kaytto pientaloissa 2000/2001. Metsantutkimuslaitoksen tiedonantoja 894. Vantaa. 30 p.

Statistics Finland. 2005. Energy Statistics 2004. Official statistics of Finland. Energy 2005:2. Helsinki. 149 p.

Statistics Finland. 2006. «Asuntokanta (Dwelling stock). Dated 31.10.2005». URL Http://www. stat. fi/til/asu/index. html.

Tahvanainen, T., Sikanen, L., Karppinen, H. & Tolvanen, K. 2003 MOTTINETTI marketing chopped firewood and services via the Internet. BIOENERGY 2003. International Nordic Bioenergy Conference. 2.-5. September 2003. Jyvaskyla. Finland. pp. 514-516.

Tekes. 2004. Growing Power. Renewable solutions by bioenergy technology from Finland. 2nd edition. National Technology Agency. Available: Http://www. tekes. fi/julkaisut/GrowingPower_ Brochure. pdf.

Tuomi, S. & Peltola, A. 2002. Polttopuun kayton nykytila pientaloissa (The present state of fuelwood use in detached houses in Finland), Tyotehoseuran metsatiedote 15/2002 (658) . (In Finnish). 4 p.

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